AI & ML Tech Trends

From Hallucination to Accuracy: Automatic Evaluation of LLM-Generated Content

July 18, 2024


The AI revolution is here, and with it comes the promise of automating tasks we never thought possible. Large Language Models (LLMs) are already creating everything from marketing copy to code, and their ability to generate human-quality text is transforming industries. One particularly exciting application is text summarization, where LLMs can condense huge amounts of information into digestible briefs. But with this power comes a new challenge: how can we be sure these content is accurate and reliable?

The truth is, even the most advanced LLMs can stumble. They might "hallucinate" facts, get stuck in outdated knowledge, or struggle with logical inconsistencies. For businesses, these errors can damage credibility and disrupt workflows. That's why robust evaluation of LLM-generated content isn't just a nice-to-have – it's mission-critical.

This blog is your guide to navigating the complex world of LLM evaluation for text summarization. We'll break down the key concepts, explore different evaluation methods, and equip you with the best practices to ensure your AI-powered content is delivering real value.

The Need for Accurate Evaluation

LLMs are powerful but prone to issues such as hallucination, knowledge recency, and reasoning inconsistencies. These issues can lead to unpredictable errors that might harm a business’s credibility and operational efficiency. Accurate evaluation of LLM performance is crucial before deploying these models in production environments.

Key Concepts in LLM Evaluation

1. Security and Responsible AI: It's essential to evaluate LLM systems for alignment with social norms, values, and regulations such as fairness, privacy, and copyright.

2. Computing Performance: LLMs should be evaluated in terms of cost, CPU and GPU usage, latency, and memory to ensure efficient performance.

3. Retrieval vs. Generator Evaluation: Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) systems combine information retrieval with generative AI. Evaluation should cover the retrieval component, the generative component, and the entire system's performance.

4. Offline vs. Online Evaluation: Offline evaluation involves using test data to develop and refine systems, while online evaluation uses live user data to monitor performance and user interactions.

5. System Evaluation vs. Model Evaluation: System evaluation focuses on how well a model performs on specific industry data and tasks, while model evaluation compares competing LLMs using standard datasets and tasks.

Evaluation Methods

Several methods can be used to evaluate the quality of LLM-generated content:

Reference-Based Metrics

These metrics compare generated text to a reference (human-annotated ground truth text):

N-gram Based Metrics: Metrics such as BLEU and ROUGE measure the similarity between the output text and the reference text using n-grams.

Embedding-Based Metrics: Metrics like BERTScore and MoverScore rely on contextualized embeddings to measure text similarity.

Example: Using ROUGE to evaluate a summary generated by an LLM for a product review can show how well the summary captures the essential details compared to a human-written summary.

Reference-Free Metrics

These metrics evaluate the generated text without relying on a ground truth:

Quality-Based Metrics: Metrics like SUPERT and BLANC use BERT to generate pseudo-references, focusing on content quality.

Entailment-Based Metrics: Metrics such as SummaC and FactCC assess factual consistency by determining whether the output text entails or contradicts the source text.

Factuality, QA, and QG-Based Metrics: Metrics like QAFactEval evaluate whether the generated text contains accurate information.

Example: QAFactEval can be used to ensure that a summary of a technical manual accurately reflects the information in the original document.

LLM-Based Evaluators

LLMs can also be used as evaluators of their own output:

Prompt-Based Evaluators: These evaluators prompt an LLM to judge the quality of text based on fluency, coherence, consistency, and relevance.

LLM Embedding-Based Metrics: Embedding models from LLMs like GPT-3’s text-embedding-ada-002 can be used to measure text similarity.

Example: Using an LLM to re-rank content based on their coherence can help identify the most readable and logically structured content.

Best Practices for Evaluation

To effectively evaluate LLM-generated content, consider the following best practices:

Suite of Metrics: Use a combination of metrics to capture different aspects of summary quality. For instance, combine ROUGE for n-gram overlap with BERTScore for semantic similarity.

Standard and Custom Metrics: While standard metrics are essential, custom metrics tailored to specific use cases (e.g., legal document content) are also important.

LLM and Non-LLM Metrics: Use both LLM-based and traditional metrics to corroborate results and identify discrepancies.

Validate Evaluators: Ensure custom metrics are calibrated against human-evaluated content to validate their effectiveness.

Visualize and Analyze Metrics: Use data visualization to interpret metric results and make them actionable.

Involve Experts: Domain experts should be involved in annotation, evaluation, and metric design to ensure the content meet industry-specific requirements.

Data-Driven Prompt Engineering: Use metrics to iteratively improve prompts and enhance summary quality.

Track Metrics Over Time: Monitoring metrics from the start helps establish baseline performance and measure improvements.

Real-World Application and Example

Consider a business that uses LLMs to summarize customer feedback. Using the evaluation methods and best practices outlined above, the business can ensure that the content are accurate, coherent, and useful for decision-making. For example, using BERTScore to evaluate the semantic similarity of content with the original feedback can help identify content that capture customer sentiments accurately.


Evaluating LLM-generated content is a critical step in deploying AI applications in business environments. By understanding and implementing a variety of evaluation methods, businesses can ensure that their AI-generated content is accurate, reliable, and beneficial. For more insights on AI and LLM applications, visit RapidCanvas. Explore how RapidCanvas's solutions can help you harness the power of AI effectively.


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